Executive-Level Global Summits

MAGNET’s success lies in its emphasis on face-to-face meetings. Agency leaders meet three times a year to talk about business issues, share insights, spark ideas and develop close connections with colleagues around the world. We also have a lot of fun. If that intrigues you, we invite you to join us.


Q3 Summit 2024

Prague, Czech Republic

Join us in Prague for the Q3 2024 MAGNET Summit. We will spend 3 days together sharing our latest business developments, inspiring new ideas, and hearing from inspirational presenters from both inside and outside the MAGNET organization. Check back here for more details on the meeting theme, speakers, and social events.

Working Schedule: 

Wednesday, September 18
Noon: Meeting Kick-Off with Lunch
6PM: Group Dinner

Thursday, September 19
9AM: Meeting resumes
6PM: Group Dinner & Tour

Friday, September 20
9AM: Last day of meeting content
Afternoon/Evening: Group activity and dinner

Augustine Hotel
Letenská 12/33, 118 00 Malá Strana
Prague, Czech Republic

September 18 - 20, 2024

Q2 Summit 2024

Event Recap

Details to Follow ASAP

Take your business—and yourself—to the next level.